Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

A well-planned operations and maintenance (O&M) strategy is key to the success of any project.  Whether a company chooses to outsource these services or take responsibility for it in-house, effective planning is critical to ensure optimal operations and maintenance of a plant.

BUILDANGLE therefore offers its O&M services in partnership with internal and external customers to ensure maximum uptime and minimum LTIs (Lost Time Injuries). Our core services are not limited to the following:

  • Long or short-term O&M delivery
  • Inspection and functional testing
  • Start-up and handover of production
  • Operational and technical support
  • Training of operators, supervisors, mechanics, and technicians
  • Troubleshooting and fault-finding
  • Shutdown repair and maintenance
  • Monitoring and reporting
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Corrective maintenance
  • Module cleaning
  • Surface management
  • Thermo-camera inspection